Chihuahua Puppies For Sale


Chihuahuas For Sale in South Florida

We are here to support you every step of the way as you search for the ideal Chihuahua puppy. Explore our Information Center and FAQs page to find answers and discover more about canine care.

  • Our puppies come with a health certificate and genetic guarantee. Prior to being approved for sale, our puppies are examined by a veterinarian and microchipped.

  • As part of our delivery service, we can safely transport the puppy anywhere in the United States of America.

  • Our breeders have been thoroughly vetted and follow USDA regulations. Government authorities inspect them on a regular basis to ensure that they are up to code.


About The Chihuahua

  • Temperament

    The genetic disposition of a Chihuahua's parents and grandparents has a significant impact on how he develops. Chihuahuas are prone to becoming aggressive when aroused, making them unsuitable for households with little children. The breed is known for being highly loyal to one person and, in some circumstances, overprotective of that person, especially when other people or animals are around. They don't always get along with other dogs and have a "clannish" personality, preferring the company of other Chihuahuas or Chihuahua mixes to that of other canines. These characteristics make them inappropriate for families with youngsters who lack patience and calmness. If properly managed by older children, they can adapt to this kind of living with a dedicated owner. The temperament of the owner can influence the temperament of the puppy. Chihuahuas adore their dens and will frequently burrow into pillows, hampers, and blankets. They are often discovered hiding under the sheets or at the foot of the bed, deep in the darkness and safety of what they consider to be their den. Chihuahuas also enjoy spending time in the sun.

  • History

    The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog and is named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. There are many different sizes, head shapes, colors, and coat lengths to choose from. The history of the Chihuahua is puzzling and there are many theories surrounding their origin. Both legend and archaeological evidence point to Mexico as the breed's birthplace. Chihuahuas are thought to be descended from the Techichi, a Mexican companion dog prized by the Toltec civilization. Dogs like the Chihuahua have been discovered in materials from the Great Pyramid of Cholula, which predates 1530, indicating that earlier ancestors were present. n fact, from Mexico to El Salvador, wheeled dog toys portraying both the "deer head" and "apple head" variants of Chihuahua have been discovered. The earliest of them were discovered in Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico, around 100 AD, providing indirect evidence that the breed existed in Mexico over 1400 years before the arrival of the first Europeans. In a 1520 letter, Hernan Cortés stated that the Aztecs reared and sold the small dogs as food. During illness or injury, little dogs such as Chihuahuas were also utilized as living hot-water bottles. According to some historians, this practice is where the concept of pain being transferred from animals to humans first emerged, leading to rituals such as burning the deceased with live dogs, such as the Techichi, to exonerate the deceased human's sins. Chihuahuas as we know them now were a rare breed until the early twentieth century, with the American Kennel Club (AKC) not registering a Chihuahua until 1904.